The Town has a robust multi-purpose and multi-surface trail network, a growing electric bus fleet, a free transit system called Free Ride and strategic partnerships with neighboring transit providers. The Town also has ambitious plans to reduce vehicle miles traveled within its borders and carbon emissions by reducing vehicle trips and congestion community-wide.

Reduce vehicle trips and congestion community-wide
Increase in local transit ridership each year and provide options for micromobility and last mile connections
Increase efficiencies
among private shuttle fleets year over year

Town’s Annual Transit Ridership Trends and Target
For a better view at the charts, use landscape view on mobile devices.

Enhance local transit servicesTarget ridership increases through outreach, multi-lingual information, awareness, and incentives. Continue to improve the rider experience. Enhance accessibility and ease of use for all riders including Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) access routes and information in non-English languages.

Enhance route optimization and frequencyEnhance route optimization with new technologies using tracking to reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and to save on operating costs.

Allocate funding for micromobilityAllocate funding for micromobility management operations and costs, such as e-bike share, to move people from cars to e-bikes, and evaluate and enhance infrastructure that supports this mode of travel.

Implement parking strategy to reduce vehicle miles traveledUpdate land use requirements to reduce parking required or allowed by code for transit-accessible neighborhoods to encourage transit use and micro mobility.

Increase availability of grocery delivery servicesWork with local grocers to expand reliable, affordable grocery delivery services for groceries and necessities to provide convenience and minimize vehicle trips.

Reduce traffic volume related to private lodging shuttle fleetsWork with private shuttle providers to develop a program to report shuttle performance metrics and ridership to the Town to optimize fleet vehicle performance, vehicle usage, and service route configuration. Manage lodging shuttle stops to reduce time at each stop.

Incentivize fleet consolidation, collaboration, and electrificationOffer incentives and group buying power to help private shuttle providers consolidate and electrify their fleets.

Encourage other shared-mobility servicesCarpool apps help connect drivers with passengers who want to carpool and share trip costs. Car Share programs allow people to use a vehicle when needed without having to own a car of their own, and on-demand micro transit can help cover service gaps for locations or during hours outside of Free Ride’s regular operation.

Resource Savings
Environmental Leadership
Regional Priorities
Operational Cost Savings
Local Environmental Health
Community Engagement

Resource Savings

Environmental Leadership

Regional Priorities

Operational Cost Savings


Local Environmental Health

Community Engagement

Stretch Targets.

Regional Transit Ridership
Increase regional transit ridership 10% over previous year

Car-Free Areas
Create permanent or temporary car-free areas