The Town has been an environmental steward by reducing reliance on fossil fuels, improving energy efficiency, and encouraging the adoption and use of renewable energy technologies across the community. The Town has partnered with Xcel Energy and High Country Conservation Center to help businesses and residents reduce energy use through programs such as the Resource Wise business program and Energy Smart Colorado. 

Goal One.

Increase percentage of electricity from renewable sources



Renewable electricity for our municipal facilities by 2025


Renewable electricity community-wide by 2035

Municipal Renewable Trends and Goals

Community-Wide Renewable Trends and Goals
The Town has been a proponent of replacing fossil-fueled electricity generation with renewable power through onsite generation using solar photovoltaics (PV) and/or solar hot water, wind, or micro-hydro.
Participating in programs such as Renewable Connect and Windsource (electricity sourced from solar and wind energy) offered by Xcel Energy, supports the increase in renewable energy generation.
In 2021




of the Municipal Facilities’
Electricity came from Certified

Municipal Facilities Renewable Electricity

In 2023




of the Community’s
Electricity came from
Certified Renewables

Community-Wide Renewable Electricity

Choose an option.

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Boost onsite renewable energy generationThis strategy addresses the need to continue to highlight the benefits of onsite renewable energy generation through public campaigns and incentives, to alleviate people’s concern about barriers to implementation, including capital cost. Streamlining and fast tracking of solar permits will also aid in implementation.
Promote community solar gardensSolar gardens are a distributed solar energy deployment model that allows customers to buy or lease part of a larger, offsite shared solar PV system. It provides access to solar without upfront costs, without physical ownership, and without land use constraints.
Support solar programs such as Solarize SummitThe town offers residents and businesses a limited-time rebate on solar panel installation through the Solarize Summit program.
Advocate Renewable Connect and Wind source program participationParticipating in programs such as Renewable Connect and Wind source(electricity sourced from solar and wind energy) offered by Xcel Energy, supports the increase in renewable energy generation.
Adopt and implement Renewable Energy Mitigation ProgramThe Renewable Energy Mitigation Program (REMP) addresses GHG reduction from excessive outdoor energy use and meets the GHG targets adopted in Summit County’s Climate Action Plan (2019).
Hire a town resource coordinatorA dedicated staff member will be responsible for implementing and monitoring energy programs across town, and not restricted to municipal facilities.


Resource Savings

Environmental Leadership

Regional Priorities

Operational Cost Savings


Community Engagement

Resource Savings

Environmental Leadership

Regional Priorities

Operational Cost Savings


Community Engagement

Goal Two.

Reduce natural gas and gasoline  fuel consumption in buildings and landscaping



Annual reduction in natural gas use over previous year for our municipal facilities


Enforce an electric first replacement policy for municipal gas-powered landscaping equipment by 2025


Annual reduction in natural gas use over previous year community-wide

Community-Wide Grid-Tied Fuel by Type

Community-Wide Natural Gas Use

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Community-Wide Natural Gas Use

For a better view at the charts, use landscape view on mobile devices.

Decarbonize buildings through electrificationElectrification (a form of fuel switching) in the context of building decarbonization involves replacing fossil-fueled equipment with electric equivalents. This includes switching space and water heating from gas or propane-powered appliances to electric alternatives, such as heat pumps.
Phase out municipal gas-powered landscaping equipmentThe town will stop replacing like for like and will instead purchase electric equipment.


Resource Savings

Environmental Leadership

Regional Priorities

Local Environmental Health

Resource Savings

Environmental Leadership

Regional Priorities

Local Environmental Health

Stretch Targets.

Net-Zero Housing

By 2027, new housing built and controlled by the Town will be net-zero energy

Building Electrification

By 2030, require all new construction to be all-electric

Diesel Construction Equipment

By 2032, develop guidance to minimize or replace diesel construction equipment

Community-Wide Gas-Powered Landscaping Equipment

By 2032, phase out community-wide gas-powered landscaping equipment community-wide